Technical SEO Agency

You can have the most brilliant content strategy and link-building game plan in the world, but you won’t see the results you deserve if your website's technical foundations are a mess. Technical optimisations might seem unglamorous and have a reputation for being “nerdy”, but a sound technical foundation is the key to any site’s success.

Why is Technical SEO so Important?

Precise, Analytical & Tactical

Technical SEO focuses on making sure that backend coding, site architecture, server configurations, and other technical factors adhere to best practices. It’s all about optimising the non-content elements of your website so that both users and search engine crawlers have a smooth and efficient experience when they visit your site
While the contribution of content and links will always be undeniable, the technical side of SEO can make or break your site’s ability to reach its full ranking potential and provide a quality user experience that search engines will want to keep rewarding.

Speed, Speed, Speed

Nobody likes a slow website, especially Google! Page load times are a significant factor, so technical optimisations to improve speed are non-negotiable these days.


Efficient Crawling

Search engine bots have to be able to properly access, crawl, and understand your site’s content and structure. Any technical barriers can cripple your ability to rank


Top-Notch User Experience

Things like site navigation, mobile-friendliness, and avoiding barriers to conversion all feed into whether visitors have a satisfying experience on your site or not.


Staying Ahead of Updates

Search engine algorithms are constantly updating on a weekly and monthly basis. Keeping your technical SEO optimised helps to future proof your site.

Technical SEO Core Services


Our technical SEO experts will use a multi-phase approach to optimise your website's backend for premium search performance. This unlocks your ability to capitalise on organic web traffic that’s driven by search engines, so you’ll never miss an opportunity to be discovered. We’ll fine tune your technical foundations to align with Google’s ever-changing algorithm updates and best practices. With hundreds of changes rolling out annually from Google alone, consistent technical SEO maintenance is a necessity to make sure you swim as your competitors sink.

Technical SEO Audit

We’ll start with a comprehensive technical audit to identify any underlying technical issues that are holding your site back. Think of it as a 360-degree inspection of your site! Our analysis covers server configurations, site architecture, URL structures, crawl errors, indexing issues, structured data implementation, and more. You'll then receive an actionable roadmap for resolving high-priority problems.

On-Page Optimisation

Optimising on-page elements like meta titles, meta descriptions, header tags, image optimisation, internal linking and schema markup is absolutely crucial. Our SEO specialists will ensure that all your pages are fully search engine friendly and aligned with relevant target keywords.

Site Speed Optimisation

We’ll analyse your page load times and implement approved techniques to minimise unnecessary bulk like compressing files, enabling caching, optimising images/videos, leveraging CDN (content delivery network) and more.

Mobile Optimisation

With well over half of web traffic now coming from mobile devices, having a seamless, Google-approved mobile experience is non-negotiable! We'll make sure your website is perfectly configured for mobile UX, page speeds, and other mobile SEO must-haves.

Ecommerce Technical SEO

For online stores, technical SEO is particularly complex, as it has to cover product feeds, review schema and more. Our ecommerce technical SEO services cover all core pillars like site architecture, URL optimisation, product schema, and high-converting UX, allowing customers to keep on finding (and buying) your products with ease.

Technical SEO Checklist & Tools


As a technical SEO agency, we have established partnerships with many of the best SEO technology providers, so we can leverage some of the most advanced SEO tools available on your behalf. This allows us to comprehensively clean up your site health by elevating every aspect of your technical strategy. When you partner with Soap Media, you benefit from this cutting-edge technology as a standard part of our service, so your business will always be ahead of your competitors.
Getting all the technical ducks in a row for optimal SEO performance involves ticking quite a few boxes. 
  • Analyse site speed and implement solutions for faster load times.
  • Ensure mobile-friendly configurations for premium mobile UX.
  • Fix crawl errors, URL issues and other indexing obstacles.
  • Update your robots.txt and XML sitemaps.
  • Optimise URLs, titles, meta descriptions, header tags and more.
  • Improve site architecture and internal-linking hierarchies.
  • Monitor server logs, Core Web Vitals, security and HTTPS status.
  • Leverage CDN, caching, and compression for performance.
Technical SEO can be quite hands-on, which is why our technical SEO specialists use plenty of useful tools to streamline the process, including:
  • Site crawlers like Screaming Frog to scan for errors and test directives.
  • Google Search Console to submit sitemaps, test URLs and monitor coverage.
  • PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse to analyse load times and get optimisation recommendations.
  • Schema Mark Up validators to make sure structured data is properly implemented. 
  • Log file analysis tools to identify any crawling and traffic patterns or anomalies

Our Client Successes

Featured Case Studies


The AA is the UK's most trusted brand. When it turned to us to launch a new mobile tyre fitting service, we dug deep with our research.

In a hotly contested industry, the AA needed to launch its new project to immediately challenge its main rivals. It wanted to take control of the market, so by understanding the tactics of its leading competitors we were able to help the company launch its service and be immediately effective. As the mobile tyre fitting sector caters for a wide range of customers, it was important for us to establish the different user personas which would be using the service. This market research helped us to determine the specific journeys users would be taking through the site, ensuring the sales funnel was clearly defined.

Soap Media’s bespoke eCommerce site is an impeccably designed platform which provides a strong user experience and a modern design

Dave Jones | IT Manager


Get Your Consultation


  • 1
    Prioritise Technical FoundationsWe’ll conduct a technical SEO audit to identify any underlying issues that might be hindering your site's performance. Our analysis covers server configurations, site architecture, crawl errors, indexing obstacles, structured data implementation, and more.
  • 2
    Unlock New Technical InsightsYou'll receive an in-depth, multi-point technical SEO audit report that provides a granular assessment of your site's overall health and optimisation status; covering Javascript rendering, hreflang implementations, log file analysis and more.
  • 3
    Improve On-Page OptimisationWe'll move quickly to implement the quickest technical wins. Our team will also ensure that all of your pages are fully optimised for target keywords - including titles, meta descriptions, header tags, images and schema mark up.

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Technical SEO FAQ’s

What is Technical SEO and why is it essential for my website?

Technical SEO is the backbone of your website’s performance. Without it, search engines can’t effectively access, crawl or rank your site. It’s all about optimising your website’s infrastructure to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. Tech SEO involves improving your site speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, indexing and security. It also includes fixing errors like broken links and ensuring proper use of structured data to help search engines better understand your content.

How does Technical SEO differ from other aspects of SEO?

Technical SEO is a subcategory of SEO. While on-page SEO involves optimising content, keywords, and meta tags, and off-page SEO deals with building backlinks and increasing domain authority, technical SEO addresses elements like site speed, mobile optimisation, secure connections (HTTPS), crawlability, and structured data.

What are some common technical issues that can impact search engine ranking?

Slow page load speeds, which can lead to higher bounce rates and lower user satisfaction; broken links and 404 errors, which hinder crawlability and user experience; and improper use of robots.txt files, which can inadvertently block search engines from indexing important pages. Additionally, a lack of a mobile-friendly design can negatively affect rankings as search engines prioritise mobile usability. Issues with duplicate content, missing or incorrect structured data, and the absence of an SSL certificate (HTTPS) can also impact a site’s search engine performance.

Do you conduct technical audits, and if so what do they cover?

Yes we do! We’ll carry out a wide range of manual checks and audits from various leading SEO tools, and cover a wide range of technical aspects including (but not limited to) site speed analysis, mobile-friendliness, and overall performance metrics. We’ll check for crawlability issues by examining your robots.txt file and sitemap, and will identify and resolve any broken links or 404 errors. We also evaluate duplicate content issues and ensure proper indexing of your site. Our goal is to identify and fix any technical barriers that could impact your search engine rankings and overall site health.

Can you help to resolve issues such as duplicate content, canonicalisation and URL structure?

Yes, absolutely. Our team of Technical SEO specialists will identify and address instances of duplicate content by implementing proper canonical tags and optimising meta tags to ensure search engines recognise the preferred version of your pages. We’ll also streamline your URL structure to be clean, descriptive, and consistent, so that it benefits your user experience and how search engines crawl your site.

How do you ensure that my website meets Google's Core Web Vitals requirements for user experience?

We conduct thorough assessments and optimisations focusing on the key metrics: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). We work with our development team to enhance LCP by optimising server response times, improving resource loading, and implementing efficient caching strategies. For FID, we minimise JavaScript execution time and prioritise interactive elements to ensure quick responsiveness. To address CLS, we ensure that elements have set dimensions and manage space for ads and media to prevent unexpected layout shifts. As we continuously monitor these metrics, we help your website to provide a smooth experience for your users that aligns with Google’s standards.

What We Could Do For You
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