A Leading Data Analytics Agency

As an experienced data analytics agency, we can help you to leverage the power of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to drive your digital marketing success. Now that Universal Analytics (UA) has ridden into the sunset, our web analytics service can ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

What is GA4?

GA4 is the future of analytics, and that future is already here.
GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics and replaced UA after July 2023. The rollout of GA4 began in the third quarter of 2020, and UA officially stopped tracking new data after the first week of October 2023 (although historic properties remained accessible until July 2024).
Even though migrations are complete, many users are still struggling to replicate insights that they found easy to locate in UA. Another common hurdle is learning to use GA4’s functions at an advanced level. So, are you set up in GA4 but finding it difficult to recreate all of your favourite UA reports? And have you gone beyond basic usage to really begin using it optimally and accurately? This is a process that we’ve been through with major partners like Hollywood Bowl, so we’re ideally placed to help you to progress as well.

Bowling A GA4 Strike

We were appointed to migrate Hollywood Bowl’s entire business from UA to GA4, and they entrusted us to build a reporting framework that processed millions of pounds on a monthly basis. After successfully migrating them, we sought to bring them additional value. Some of our most impactful work to date includes:
  1. Segmenting their traffic by site location so they could clearly see onsite traffic for each location in turn, with all the relevant associated insights for localised marketing.
  2. Identifying the cannibalisation of organic traffic by recently-launched PPC activity, and then gauging the overall uplift achieved by running both channels in tandem.
  3. Building bespoke GA4 reports that demonstrate the full checkout process, including the drop-off rates at each step, and then migrating that to account for their new booking system.
Hollywood Bowl were keen to be able to look beyond last-click models and gauge the long-term impact of their marketing efforts, so we made sure to leverage metrics like lifetime value (LTV) and average revenue per user (ARPU) to establish a new and improved reporting framework.
Do you want to enjoy the spoils of enriched data analytics just like Hollywood Bowl?

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…

Here’s what Hollywood Bowl had to say about us:

“Hollywood Bowl contacted Daryl @ Soap Media, following several recommendations from past clients, to manage our migration of Google Analytics UA3 to GA4. From the outset, we found Soap Media to be very helpful in defining the roadmap to match our reporting requirements. During the duration of the project, Daryl was very engaging, with regular catch ups and visibility of the end goal always in sight. The project effectively future proofed the business analytics reporting well ahead of UA3 being closed down in July 2023. Apart from the new set up in GA4, we also have a new reporting dashboard and “how to” video tutorials to help familiarise ourselves with GA4’s new dashboard and capabilities. Hollywood Bowl has now moved onto its second project with Daryl and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Soap Media for any data/reporting requirements.”
Ganesh SuppiahEcommerce Manager

Why Partner With Our Data Analytics Experts?


We’re all too used to seeing GA4 properties (usually set up quickly via the wizard or other partners) that don’t offer the visibility that their owners are accustomed to. Many people are still struggling to find critical reports in GA4, and in many cases this may be because that report just isn’t there anymore. Are you making decisions that are less data-driven than they were in the past due to lost visibility? This is where we can help.   The arrival of GA4 has been challenging for us all, but it’s here to stay. Business owners have no choice but to embrace it, but don’t overlook the fact that everyone has had to start again, so this represents a huge opportunity for you. Some business owners will continue to resist the transition to GA4, but all that will achieve is a loss of visibility. Those who invest in GA4 will stay informed. We can work with you to strategise a complete rethink of your analytics handling, showing you how to make different types of decisions that are just as informed, and ultimately more in line with the modern framework of analytics reporting.

Although GA4 represents an update to Google’s data collection methods, it’s a continuation of a gradual redevelopment towards privacy-centric data collection. Similar to the phasing out of IP address reporting in UA to align with strengthened privacy regulations, GA4 is a “clean slate” that’s focused on privacy-compliant data collection from the start, and it has plenty of advantages.

GA4 takes the capability to gather user interaction data to new heights, enabling businesses to analyse via advanced techniques like data modelling, machine learning, and predictive analytics. This valuable data assists with business decisions and marketing strategies. Because we’ve worked with GA4 so much, we can help you to unlock its full potential for driving your business in a smarter direction.

Instead of measuring “hits”, GA4 measures metrics as “events”, offering a granular and accurate understanding of user behaviour. A key advantage is its ability to collect data from websites and apps, providing a comprehensive view of user journeys across devices and platforms. This blending of sources is simple to achieve and can be split between data streams for reporting purposes, so it’s a golden opportunity for customisation.

Moreover, GA4 is future-proofed for privacy-centred changes, such as modern consent banners that allow users to manage data preferences. GA4’s Consent Mode honours users’ preferences, dynamically adjusting its behaviour and clarifying aspects of the customer journey. As privacy laws continue to evolve, our experts can help you to stay ahead of the curve.

Data Analytics After Cookies

As the world quickly moves towards a cookieless future, GA4 leverages machine learning and statistical modelling to accurately predict user behaviour, whilst being more conscious of Data Privacy. Our web analytics agency can use this cutting-edge technology to your advantage, delivering predictive insights that will allow you to make beneficial business decisions that shape your marketing campaigns for maximum impact.
Make no mistake: GA4 isn’t going anywhere, and businesses that don’t commit to it are going to fall ever further behind those that have committed as time passes. Decision makers who resist using GA4 properly will have less data in front of them, which sadly means that the quality of their decision making will suffer, ultimately harming the prospects of their business.
When GA4 was announced, we quickly recognised the magnitude of the incoming shift and how impactful it was going to be, so we looked to master it right away. Because we moved quickly to invest in GA4 we’re therefore always at the forefront of emerging changes; we understand the complexities involved and offer a structured approach to setting up GA4. We’ll help you to access your website data seamlessly. We can also build bespoke dashboards for you that are populated with live data on a 24/7 basis, letting you spend less time on reporting and more time acting upon the insights it gives you.
A duck with a cookie jar

Experience Data-Driven Understanding

Investing in Google Analytics 4 data and reporting is a key consideration if you want to be successful in the digital space. Our data analytics experts are here to guide you through every step of the process to attaining GA4 mastery. You can trust us to be a partner who harnesses the full potential of this cutting-edge platform for your business's success.
We’re all on a journey through a world with an increased focus on privacy, and the cookieless future is now a reality.    Our expert data marketing team has been at the forefront of the GA4 transition period, guiding many partners through the set-up and migration processes of Google Analytics 4, and assisting them to get the most out of their ongoing usage. As a result, we’re standing ready to help you prepare for anything that this changing analytics landscape can throw at you.

Book a Consultation


  • 1
    Getting set upWhatever you’re looking to achieve with GA4, we'll get you up and running with the solution that best meets your needs.
  • 2
    Take the GA4 tourOur team will guide you through all the features of GA4 and show you the ropes, so that you can navigate your new account smoothly.
  • 3
    Experience the future of Data AnalyticsDiscover GA4 in all its glory and explore all of its possibilities! Start building bespoke and complex reports and learn to delve deeper into user behaviour.

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