Designing For Multiple Brands

We built the website using Microsoft Azure Platform, enabling burstable, scalable performance so that the site could present the best customer experience and ultimately convert revenue.
The subtle animations, transitions and interactions of the design, although small in isolation, collectively build a visual language that translates the excitement of the attractions and encourages customers along that journey to the doorstep of the attractions.
The latest iteration of Umbraco was used which allowed us to develop an ‘any expertise’ CMS that allowed for any unique layout to be created visually and most importantly without any techie or html experience. This empowered the internal marketing team to rapidly respond to time sensitive promotions and communicate messages onsite easily and at speed.
We integrated Experian Marketing Suite for email management and cross-channel marketing tracking. This creates a joined up, automated follow procedure to nurture a customer through an onboarding lifecycle all the way through to conversion and future value.